Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Sam Avedon chair rehab - before and after.
I used Rust-Oleum spray paint for plastic in black.

I made that white console table in front of my bed.
Ikea hairpin style legs, Home Depot wood, and
Crisp Linnen White paint by Glidden.

New 'do from Kellianne at Vain.
Asymmetrical bob.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Simply Having a Wonderful Christmastime

That is one of my favorite Christmas songs! How about the original rendition.

The holidays are definitely here but I haven't been able to devote the amount of time (or money) I'd really like to on decking my halls...walls? Anywho. A string of white lights around the windows are doing the trick for now. I also have a view of the Space Needle and its lighted rooftop tree, so I'm calling that my tree for this year!

Friday night was my work holiday party, held at this fancy, good ol' boys private club in Seattle called The Rainer Club. I found the darling little dress I'm wearing on my lunch break that afternoon at this cute boutique store in Upper Queen Anne.

I saw this Winter Bucket List over on Kristin's blog and just had to repost!

Hmm...well so far I've seen a play. However I do have a secret Santa purchase to make for the work gift exchange next week, I'm going ice skating tomorrow, and at some point I'm making it down to Tacoma for Zoo Lights, so that will knock a few more things off the list! I love this time of year.

I'm also headed home for Christmas and my mom always has our house done up for the holidays.

The family dog Mocha.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Hi, I'm Alive

I have been consumed with Maiplace—also known as my new little apartment. Movers, unsuccessful mattress hunting, hauling stuff up many, many stairs. This is what I've been up to. That said, things are good.

Some best girlfriends came over last night for an unofficial housewarming of sorts (probably the only one I'll have to be honest) and rearranged all the furniture, which resulted in a laundry list of furniture recommendations to make the place complete. Mirrors, rugs, bookshelves, console tables, art. Funny how you think you are downsizing but wind up having to buy a bunch more shit. Although, my old place left much to be desired in terms of any real style, so a part of me is happy to upgrade things. However, I am really going to try and keep the fact that I want simplify my life and possessions in mind when looking for stuff the fill the space.

My latest obsessions have switched from fashion to home decor and DIY sites. Pinterest and Apartment Therapy, anyone? I've become more familiar with The Home Depot than I've ever wanted to, tackled painting half the apartment, and now I have a bunch of ideas swirling around in my head. My very handy friend L said she'd help me make a couple of console tables out of a bookshelf I'm not using. I also scored a great find on cl —two Sam Avedon Alladin Plastic Chairs for a rehab project, similar to this.

Not sure what color to paint them!

So that's what I've been up to. Getting settled. I've had a lot of changes happen this past year, mostly for the better, but change for me is always tough. I'm glad I have great friends, a loving family and I'm doing something I care about to make it all worthwhile though.

I hope everyone is off to a good week. I'm seeing Cinderella at The 5th Ave on Thursday with this lovely lady, and I have a date (a very cute date I might add) to my work holiday part on Friday. Life is good.

Monday, November 7, 2011

5 Things

The past few weeks have been a little hectic, but I thought I should pause and share a few things I'm grateful for.

1. My mom is coming to visit this weekend. She gets in Thursday night, I'm taking Friday off, and I have some fun stuff planned for us. Sharon Jones and the Dap-Kings, getting our hair did, a play at The Rep, Kristin's housewarming party, dinner with my bestie and her mom, and showing her my new apartment!

2. Oh yeah, I moved to an apartment in Queen Anne! Well, technically, I just signed the lease and painted a couple walls (which is very hard work I might add). I have not moved anything in yet, but it's mine, and in my favorite Seattle neighborhood.

3. I'm loving my new job and soon I will be able to walk to it from my new apartment!

4. Dinner with lovely friends last night at their home.

5. Anything pumpkin.

Friday, October 21, 2011


I had the most fun at a concert last night (despite the amount of assholery that goes on in concert crowds). If you ever get a chance to see Robyn (an amazing Swedish pop singer with the soul of a ghetto black girl)—please do. She sang, danced and shook her ass for a good hour and a half and still looked amazing at the end of the show. Not to mention her awesome outfit. We managed to piss off throngs of gay boys and get called names make our way all the way to the front of the crowd for an unobstructed view for most of the night. Pic above from my iPhone.

Some Robyn vids for the uninitiated:

Call Your Girlfriend

Dancing On My Own

Hang With Me

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Girl Crush: Hannah Bronfman

A morning jaunt through my google reads revealed WhoWhatWear style stalking this doll. Further investigating (google searching) affirmed she's got much more substance than just her fab style. The girl is an absolute beauty and inspiration! Despite her tender age of 23, Bronfman, in her own words, plans on saving the world. I love seeing a girl I can immediately identify with every now again in blogging and fashion land (it's rare). She's the daughter of Edgar Bronfman (CEO of Warner Music Group) and Sherry Brewer (an African-American actress) and runs an eco-clothing line and record label with brother Ben, a.k.a. M.I.A.'s baby daddy.

An in-depth Women's Wear Daily article from August sheds more light on this artistic, entrepreneurial, eco-conscious beauty.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Alexa Chung for Madewell

Long time no blog! I've got a wayyyy overdue Barcelona post coming, but in the meantime, LOVING the Madewell collaboration with Alexa Chung. Could she be any cuter?! If I could afford this stuff I'd buy it all, but I think I can replicate some of the looks with cheaper buys. It's great inspiration, anyhow.

Thursday, September 1, 2011


¡Bienvenidos, Septiembre! It feels like I've been waiting for the end of August for forever, despite it being an amazing month. I'm in no hurry to rush summer away (it basically just showed up in the PNW), but exciting things are on the horizon. Primarily, Barcelona. A part of me can't believe it's actually happening. I leave next Thursday and I can.not.wait!

I'll be here soon!
(View pic from the apartment in

The first week at my new job has also been going swimmingly. I think I'm going to really enjoy it; a nice respite from my work at the City. However, it does have one major bummer - the commute. To remedy this I've decided to move to the neighborhood where the job is located. It's a great 'hood and I would love nothing more than to be able to walk to work, the surrounding theaters, and decent restaurants. I basically live in the 'burbs now and have to bus or drive to anything remotely cool.

Fall is definitely in the air. Temps are significantly cooler at night and dew awaits me on the windshield each morning. I'm desperately in need of a wardrobe update and J. Crew has been on my mind. Can someone just gift me everything in Jenna Lyons' wardrobe? Thanks.


I'm looking forward to my vacation and the possibilities on the horizon. New job, hopefully new place to live soon, and perhaps a new l'amor? Only time will tell...

I hope everyone had a great summer and that you also have a few things to look forward to!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Iris Apfel

What a character. Wish I had even a modicum of her fashion chutzpah. Check out this recent NYT piece about her.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

5 Things

It's been a while, but I have a lot to be thankful for lately.

1. I'll be starting my new job on Monday! Thankful for answered prayers.

2. My awesome friends. I am very thankful to them for making me feel like a rockstar for my birthday this year. All week long people reached out to me with offers of lunches, dinners, and best of all - a floating/camping trip!

3. I am thankful I survived that camping trip. I am decidedly indoorsy, and we floated (hey, summer goal) down the lower Yamika River. The first five minutes were a little treacherous because we floated right into the trees and my back got all scratched up and some people capsized, but we survived! What doesn't kill you, right?

4. A very nice going away lunch, party and gracious present from a boss who I felt at times did not appreciate me. Haven't we all?

5. I'll be in Barcelona in two weeks!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Black Dandyism

A blog called Street Etiquette, which I've been following for a while now thanks to my friend Ryan who linked to it on his facebook page, was recently featured in the NYT style section. I really like what these men are doing: presenting an alternative paradigm on traditional media's view of black men, black culture and black style. Check out their site.

Saturday, August 20, 2011


It's been a while, friends. Lots going on and lots to report. First up, I got a new job! After five years of working at my current job, an exciting opportunity literally landed in my inbox about a month ago.

I'm pretty passionate about the arts. I stared this blog three years ago (are you my fan?). I've been on the board of The Crew at Seattle Repertory for most of that time as well. And this past year I volunteered as an Associate for an organization called ArtsFund. I landed a position on the executive side of a nonprofit arts org and I couldn't be happier. It wasn't an easier decision however; the pay is significantly less, I have to be in the office by 8:00am, and my commute is going to be about 15 extra minutes.

I'm leaving the comforts of a decent salary, nice coworkers, 20 vacation days per year, a free buss pass and plenty of other perks that come with my gig for what I think deep down is what I should really be doing: working in the arts. I start one week from Monday and my last day at my current job is this Friday.

In other good news, I'm going to BARCELONA next month and I can't hardly wait. I'm staying mum on the details for now, but if you know me at all then you should know the likelihood of a man factoring into this equation is relatively high.

What else. My birthday is this coming Monday. I'm not much for celebrating my own self, but some wonderful friends have reached out to me this year and I've got mini-celebrations happening all over the place! An awesome dinner at Revel last night with gal friends K and Lu. A lovely new friend picked up the check today at lunch. A floating and camping trip planned for this weekend with about 12 friends. A happy hour with a surprise location planned on my actual b-day, plus my boss's annual birthday lunch—I picked Seastar—coupled with a going away party for me at work (with cake!), I will have certainly been properly fêted come the actual day. I love my friends.

About that pic above, K and I ran into three, middle-aged ladies when we were leaving the Sunset Supper at The Market earlier tonight. They asked us to take their picture while donning silly poses in front of an illuminated Pike Place Market Sign, then they wanted us in the pic with them. We never got a clear answer as to why they were wearing the gowns or where the heck they were going. All they said was you shouldn't wear a wedding dress only once. I can't argue with that.

Monday, August 1, 2011

I'd Wear That: Chambray and Stripes

My gorgeous friend and fellow blogger, Sinta, from Hail to the Chic in this perfect little outfit.

Summer Update

It's already August 1st (I know) so what have I accomplished this summer?

1. Float (on a river, lake, and on my raft)
Status: Not yet. I did go on a boat though.

2. Concerts at the Mural
Status: This Friday!

3. See an Outdoor Movie
Status: not completed

4. Shakespeare in the Park
Status: I did see some of Macbeth but it got too hot so I left to get some Yogurtland. I am shooting for A Comedy of Errors this weekend though.

5. Take the last two weeks of August off (and go somewhere!)
Status: This might not happen, but I am booking a trip to BARCELONA in September! So that sort of counts, right?

6. Paint my walls
Status: not completed (I am a lazy person.)

7. Dine al fresco as much as possible
Status: not enough! Maybe I'll have a picnic tonight.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

5 Things

Where has the time gone? Time to be thankful (despite the lack of sun this summer in Seattle).

1. My friends and how totally awesome they are. Pic below is from Karen's (in the middle) birthday at Cowgirls. There was a mechanical bull.

2. A phone interview tomorrow for a job in the arts. Wish me luck!

3. Seeing Aladdin at the 5th Ave. Theatre on Thursday with this pretty lady.

4. I think I met my future husband last week. Yup. I'm putting that right out there. I met a man that I felt an instant connection with.

5. Fun plans this weekend like Cap. Hill Block Party, dancing, a hike and a bbq. Good times.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


It will inevitably go by too fast...so I want to make a few summer goals before it's all over.

1. Float (on a river, lake, and on my raft)
2. Concerts at the Mural
3. See an Outdoor Movie
4. Shakespeare in the Park
5. Take the last two weeks of August off (and go somewhere!)
6. Paint my walls
7. Dine al fresco as much as possible

It's been pretty good thus far.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

What I Wore: Hawaii

It would appear by the photo coverage of my Hawaii trip that I wore mostly shorts - which was not exactly the case - but I guess we didn't take any pics of the lovely dresses I wore on a couple nights when we went out. Ah well, here are some snaps.

Volcanoes National Park

Hilton Lagoon

Outdoors at the hotel
Diamond Head
Hanauma Bay (above and below)

About that Rock 'n' Roll 1/2 Marathon

Oh yeah. I ran that thing on Saturday. Go me! I've been sore ever since! Good times. My friend Arlyn and I ran together. Official time was 2:06:34. I was hoping to come in at or under 2 hrs. but I really just wanted to finish it without stopping. We did for the most part, only stopping when necessary at the water and drink stations. We also had to bob and weave around a lot of slow people. Next race we decided we will start in a faster corral - I have no doubt we could finish in under 2hrs. then!

Photo by Action Sports International

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Lemon Cupcakes

If a man tells you how cute you are in 72font, gives you a little seashell necklace he made for you (you read that right, made) for your impending trip to Hawaii, then tells you he can't wait to see you tomorrow - you DO (I repeat, do) stay up past midnight making him his favorite flavor of cupcakes for his birthday today.

Happy birthday, Cbass.

Perfect Lemon Cupcakes


1 package lemon cake mix
1 cup sour cream
3/4 cup water
3/4 cup oil
4 eggs
1 small package lemon instant pudding

Mix dry ingredients. Add wet ingredients. Mix with electric mixer on medium speed for about two minutes. Use a strong mixer, this batter is thick. For cupcakes, bake them at 350 degrees for 20 minutes (I was able to get 24 very full cupcakes from the recipe). For regular cake, pour into a greased 9x11 pan or two round pans. Bake at 350 degrees for 25-30 minutes. Don't over bake or the cake will be too dry! The toothpick test works to check to see if they're done.
The original recipe said that the cupcakes will fall after they come out of the oven, but this is normal and to just fill up the indentation with more frosting. I didn't have this problem at all!

Lemon Buttercream Frosting:
1 cup (2 sticks) butter, very soft
6-8 cups powdered sugar
1/2 cup fresh lemon juice
1 teaspoon grated lemon zest

Place the butter in a large mixing bowl. Add 4 cups of sugar, then the juice and the zest. Beat until smooth and creamy. Gradually add the remaining sugar, 1 cup at a time, until icing is thick enough to be of good spreading consistency (I added 6 cups total). Use and store at room temperature. (Don't refrigerate and it will last in a covered container for about three days.)

Monday, June 13, 2011

Hawaii Wears

AE Shorts.

Three more sleeps and I'll be headed to the Aloha state. I went on a little shopping trip this weekend to prepare. On the need list: swimsuit and sandals. On the bought list: two pairs of sandals and a pair of denim Bermuda shorts from American Eagle - AE has some really cute and affordable leather sandals right now. I was surprised. I also got two summer dresses from Billabong and a cheap but cute pair of sunglasses from H&M. I had no luck on the swimsuit front but decided I can always look for one there - I would imagine Hawaii's got a swimsuit shop or 10! The summer gear will need to be pulled out again for the 4th of July when I visit one of my besties in Hermosa Beach. Can.not.wait.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Outfit Hair

"The more I do this blog the more I believe that great hair and well choosen accessories can be the raison d'être for a whole look." - The Sartorialsit via this post.

Monday, June 6, 2011


The weekend seemed jam packed. I can't believe I did everything I set out to do, including a 10 mile run on Sunday. I will not lie though, I am crazy sore today and I feel about 90 yrs. old. Apparently taking an ice bath post-run would have helped alleviate some of the soreness, but I just read about that remedy today on the good ol' internets. I'm still going to try a version of it tonight while wearing a sweatshirt, shorts and socks in the tub.

Friday night was SAM Remix, the quarterly party at Seattle Art Museum. It's always fun to go with a group of friends or a date, and this time we did arts and crafts.

Saturday I had brunch with some friends and we got to meet our friend Anne's newest little one, Dylan Patrick. Too cute!

That afternoon I went on a date to Lincoln Park with Ralph. We sunbathed, ate pistachios and drank Talking Rain. The weather was perfect (finally). That evening I found myself at Barrio with Karen for a little dinner and drinks, then we went over to Chop Suey to see one of my favorite local bands perform: THEESatisfaction. I have a major girl crush on them.

Sunday was the 10 mile run day. I didn't set out at 7am like I'd planned, but by 11am I was off for a run in the 65 degree Seattle weather. I found I needed one full water bottle of water and a quick bathroom break around mile 6. I also learned your body does weird things you sometimes can't control! I didn't do much post-run except laze around on the couch. Eventually I ordered a pizza (as I do most Sunday nights) and watched a movie called Love and Other Drugs.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

5 Things

Time to be grateful.

1. At this time in two weeks I'll be in Hawaii! I can barely contain my excitement.

2. I've seen a few great SIFF films.

3. 4th of July weekend will be spent visiting a good friend down in Hermosa Beach, CA.

4. Someone I'll call Ralph.

5. A fun weekend ahead with good friends, babies, brunches, art, sun and smiles.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Hama Hama Oyster Rama

Some friends and I went to the Hama Hama Oyster Farm opening day on Saturday. We (mostly they) foraged for oysters and dug for clams. By day's end, I'd only procured about 5 clams total and ate one raw oyster (yuck). It was a fun little adventure though.