It's been a while, friends. Lots going on and lots to report. First up, I got a new job! After five years of working at my current job, an exciting opportunity literally landed in my inbox about a month ago.
I'm pretty passionate about the arts. I stared
this blog three years ago (are you my
fan?). I've been on the board of
The Crew at Seattle Repertory for most of that time as well. And this past year I volunteered as an Associate for an organization called
ArtsFund. I landed a position on the executive side of a nonprofit arts org and I couldn't be happier. It wasn't an easier decision however; the pay is significantly less, I have to be in the office by 8:00am, and my commute is going to be about 15 extra minutes.
I'm leaving the comforts of a decent salary, nice coworkers, 20 vacation days per year, a free buss pass and plenty of other perks that come with my gig for what I think deep down is what I should really be doing: working in the arts. I start one week from Monday and my last day at my current job is this Friday.
In other good news, I'm going to BARCELONA next month and I can't hardly wait. I'm staying mum on the details for now, but if you know me at all then you should know the likelihood of a man factoring into this equation is relatively high.
What else. My birthday is this coming Monday. I'm not much for celebrating my own self, but some wonderful friends have reached out to me this year and I've got mini-celebrations happening all over the place! An awesome dinner at
Revel last night with gal friends K and Lu. A lovely new friend picked up the check today at lunch. A floating and camping trip planned for this weekend with about 12 friends. A happy hour with a surprise location planned on my actual b-day, plus my boss's annual birthday lunch—I picked
Seastar—coupled with a going away party for me at work (with cake!), I will have certainly been properly fêted come the actual day. I love my friends.
About that pic above, K and I ran into three, middle-aged ladies when we were leaving the
Sunset Supper at The Market earlier tonight. They asked us to take their picture while donning silly poses in front of an illuminated Pike Place Market Sign, then they wanted us in the pic with them. We never got a clear answer as to why they were wearing the gowns or where the heck they were going. All they said was you shouldn't wear a wedding dress only once. I can't argue with that.